Clear Orthodontics

If you want a more beautiful smile but you don’t like the look of traditional braces, invisible braces may be right for you. They straighten your teeth without being so noticeable. Here are a few options.

Clear Aligners

Clear aligners are another popular option. These aren’t cemented to your teeth like other braces. Aligners are removable trays that are custom made to fit over your teeth. They put gentle pressure on your teeth, gradually moving them. You’ll wear a series of aligners as your teeth move. Each aligner moves your teeth a bit closer to the final position. You can take your aligners out during mealtimes, when you brush and floss, and at times when inconvenient. So you’ll need willpower to wear them consistently.

Are they right for you?

Invisible braces align your teeth without hiding your smile, but they aren’t good for all dental issues. Talk to your dentist or orthodontist to see if invisible braces are the right fit for you.